
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Andrea Roberts Blog

Here's a link to my blog!  Window in the Sun.  I post a sketch there every weekday, and it also has links to my deviantArt Gallery and Tumblr in the sidebar.

Andrea Roberts Assignment 10 Finished

Ta-da!  All colored!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Just following Joy's lead.  I thought it could be cool, too.  Sorry to abandon you guys after the first week.  It was fun while it lasted.

Blog postage

Hey guys, Andrea suggested that we all post our blog/website addresses so we can all see each other AWESOMENESS. So, yeah, you can find me at Can't wait to see everyone else's! Have a great summer!

Josh Talbot - Assignment 10

Josh Talbot - Assignment 9

Julia Stowell - Assignment 10

Stephanie Leonard - Assignment 10

Hana Lee - Assignment 10

charlie and the cholcolate factory
- veruca salt
- oplp
- willy wonka
- charlie bucket
- augustus gloop

Alyssa Daw- Assignment 10

Andrea Roberts Assignment 10 - WIP

I am working on coloring them individually right now, but wanted to make sure I had some sort of assembled line up for class just in case.

Mitchell Ellis - Assignment 10

The characters are in this order
Croc Vader
Luke Foxrunner
and... Yoda

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Assignment 10 - Character Line up

Design a character line up.  It has to have four characters in it.  If you've already done two characters form Willy Wonka or the Hobbit you can use those as the start of your line up.  OR you can do an entirely new line up.  For example Mitchell is designing an animal Star Wars line up based off the snake Emperor he designed.

These need to be finished and colored.

Due Thursday, June 9th.

Julia Stowell - Assignment 9

Brygn Ellwanger - Assignment 9

Stephanie Leonard - Assignment 9

Captain Bill Wheedles is a big fan of Shakespeare.

Alyssa Daw- Assignment 9

hana lee - Assignment 9

captin bill

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Assignment 9 - Captain Bill Redux

Utilizing all the information you've gleaned from the lectures in this class redesign your original Captain Bill drawing.  Make it awesome this time.

It is due Thursday, June 2.

Stephanie Leonard - Assignment 8

Veruca Salt

I'm sorry I couldn't come to class today--I've been sick with a fever off and on since Thursday, and today I woke up with pink eye :P I'm hoping to be there tomorrow, though. Also, I know this is only 10 expressions instead of 15--I haven't been able to scan the last five yet, but they'll be up by class tomorrow.

hana Lee - Assignment 8

oplp expressions.

I am sorry for being late. I won't be able to make to the class today. 
This assignment took a long time to finish but I think I have learned much. I felt my character got better (more distinct???) as I explore different expressions. Anyway, there are still a lot of things that I need to work more on these. See you guys tomorrow!

Josh Talbot - Assignment 8

Brygn Ellwanger - Assignment 8

Alyssa Daw -Assignment 8

Joy Liberatore - Assignment 8

Wanna play pretend? Let's pretend that there are 11 more faces and that they're really awesome! 8D

... no, I didn't think so.

Mitchell Ellis - Assignment 8

This was a pretty long and painstaking process which involved lots of exploration for me, I first had to make sure I understood some of the basic construction involved in my own character. I did have a process before hand but it produced random results and I knew that it wouldn't help me out with an assignment such as this one.
I finally came up with a very simple solution for Palpatine's head construction which is pretty much a banana on a sick.
Below is a montage of all the preliminary sketches done for this assignment.
Eventually I came across a few expressions I found to be more interesting than the other ones, and polished them up to a more presentable image.